Welcome to the official website of Purba Bardhaman District Police, West Bengal, India        Emergency Call - 100       Child Help Line - 1098       Women Help Line - +91 97752 74388       Medical Help Line No. - +91 97330 73738       Purba Burdwan Police Control Room- +91 9147888570       Burdwan PS- +919564813874       Ketugram PS-7872296665       Aushgram PS-03452-254213       Purbasthali PS- +918509920662       Women PS Burdwan-0342-2569372       Memari PS-0342-2250232       Madhabdihi PS-03451-251230       Shaktigarh PS- +91 7063597836       Katwa PS-03453-255023       Raina PS-8967372678       Galsi PS-0342-2450238       Bhatar PS-0342-2322223       Jamalpur PS-03451-288225       Monteswar PS-0342-2750523       Nadanghat PS- +918016256018       Kalna PS-03454-255040       Khandaghosh PS-03451-262260       Mongalkote PS-03453-266228       Dewandighi PS- +919647940803       Complainant Officer of Transgender Persons (Shri Atanu Ghosal, Dy.S.P HQ) - +91 9147888536

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Missing Person List

Image Name Description Address Date of Missing Police Station Contact Person with phone number
Moumita Bagdi Height - 5 ft 2 inch, Complexion - Fair, Built- Normal, W/A- Blue Churidar and Pink legince Mahara,PS-Galsi,Dist-Purba Bardhaman 05.05.2022 Galsi
Jayanti Ray Height - 5 ft 2 inch ,Complexion - Sallow, Built- Normal,W/A-Churidar VILL-Uttar Galsi, PS-Galsi, DIST- Purba Bardhaman 25.02.2023 Galsi
Samar Khetrapal Height - 5 ft 5 inch Weight - 50 kg Complexion - Dark Built- Thin,W/A-Blue Check Shirt & Black Pant. Village-Purba Badla, PS-Kalna,DIST-Purba Bardhaman 13.01.2021 Kalna